Chemical Peels


age spots, sun damage, acne, melasma, fine lines and wrinkles



Last For

1 - 4 Weeks

Chemical Peels Treatment

Chemical peels are a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that involves the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which causes the outer layer of the skin to shed, revealing smoother, more youthful-looking skin underneath. At Pure Wellness Med Spa, we offer a variety of chemical peels, including BioRePeel, which is a 35% TCA peel with no downtime

At Pure Wellness Med Spa, we offer the BioRePeel. This chemical peel uses a unique blend of alpha-hydroxy acids, retinol, and other antioxidants to exfoliate the skin and improve its overall appearance. The BioRePeel can be used to treat a variety of concerns, including hyperpigmentation, acne, fine lines and wrinkles.

If you’re interested in receiving a Chemical Peel treatment at Pure Wellness Med Spa, we encourage you to schedule an appointment online with one of our skilled aestheticians. During your consultation, we’ll evaluate your concerns and create a customized treatment plan for your unique needs.



Schedule a consultation with a licensed medical professional at the med spa. Discuss your concerns, goals, and medical history. The practitioner will evaluate your suitability for the desired treatment.


Follow any pre-treatment guidelines provided by the med spa. This may include avoiding certain medications, skincare products, or activities.

Treatment Day

Arrive at the med spa for the scheduled appointment. Depending on the procedure, it may take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. Some treatments may require local anesthesia or numbing cream.

Immediate Post Treatment

Follow any post-treatment care instructions given by the practitioner. Some treatments may have mild side effects like redness or swelling.

Recovery Period

Some treatments may have minimal downtime, while others may require several days of recovery. Follow all post-treatment care guidelines to optimize results and minimize complications.

Follow-up Appointments

Schedule any recommended follow-up appointments to assess results and address any concerns. Some treatments may require multiple sessions for optimal outcomes.

Long-Term Maintenance

Follow a skincare routine and any maintenance procedures as advised by the med spa. Attend periodic follow-up appointments if necessary.


Yes! Chemical peels are safe and effective facial treatments without injections or needles.

You may experience some redness, peeling, and flaking after your Chemical Peel treatment, but these side effects typically resolve within a few days. You can return to your regular activities immediately after your appointment.

The frequency of your Chemical Peel treatments will depend on your individual concerns and goals. Most patients benefit from receiving a Chemical Peel treatment every four to six weeks.

After your Chemical Peel treatment, results will typically appear several days or weeks after your appointment.

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